Gustavo Calleja
The Minister of Energy, Juan José Aranguren had to say publicly that “he won’t resign”. This kind of clarification reveals the fragile situation the minister is going through. On this topic, Gustavo Calleja, Vice-President of MORENO (Movimiento Por la Recuperación de la Energía Nacional Orientadora) and ex Under Secretary of Energy during the administration of Raúl Alfonsín, was interviewed by the “Energía Nuestra” radio program and said that “Aranguren is still a Shell man”.
Calleja added that “Aranguren publicly said that the measures taken by the Ministry of Energy benefited all the businessmen in the sector: oil refiners, producers and distributors. All these sectors have to win, the minister said. And the situation this is generating is that when bills arrive, no one can pay them.”
“Aranguren is applying a true “Robin Hood” policy, by giving more to those who earn more and taking from those below. What we are talking about is that the measures taken by Aranguren mean that 8,000 million dollars per year go to these business sectors,” Calleja said.
At the end, Calleja made a categoric statement and said: “Aranguren must go.”
The full interview below (In Spanish):