Agustín Arbor, General Secretary of the Asociación de Profesionales de la Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica y Nuclear (APCNEAN), analyzed in an interview with Informativo FeTERA (N.º 143) the current status of collective bargaining agreements for professionals in the country’s nuclear sector.
“We are quite stuck in the process to reach collective bargaining agreements for professionals in the nuclear sector in Argentina,” Arbor said.
In particular, Arbor referred to the agreements of the National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA) professionals, the Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ARN) and the Engineering Services Company of Neuquén (ENSI), where the Industrial Plant of Heavy Water (PIAP) of Arroyito is located, in the province of Neuquén.
“While there is some progress at the ARN, at least more than at the CNEA, it is not yet foreseen that a collective agreement will be reached in the short term or in a reasonable time. Regarding the engineering service company of Neuquén, where the PIAP works, the agreement has not advanced at all”, described Agustín Arbor.