By José Rigane*
In the midst of tax and labor reforms, flexibilization initiatives, and a new reform on the pension system which directly affects retirees, the Government decides to sell national energy assets valued at one billion dollars. The decree that authorizes this is one more in the sad list of measures that are destroying Argentine sovereignty.
Under the return of the ideas of the Martínez de Hoz -former Minister of Economy of the last military dictatorship-, that in order “to enlarge the Nation, the State had to be shrunk,” today is made public a presidential decree signed by President Mauricio Macri, Energy Minister Juan José Aranguren and Chief of Staff, Marcos Peña, published in the Official Gazette, which authorizes the sale of energy resources in the hands of the State or with state participation, such as thermal power stations and other ENARSA properties.
In this way, and with the argument of raising 1 billion dollars, the Government authorizes the State to give away assets which belong to the Argentine people.
This is a clear demonstration of the deepening of foreignization through the process of privatization. And while the government says there is no “friends’ club”, the truth is that energy businessmen do not need to have a “Friends of the Government Club”, because what Macri and Aranguren have been doing from the first day, is to favour economically and politically the concentration and centralization of wealth for the benefit of the economic groups that dominate energy (and the rest of the economic sectors, of course). These groups have not had the need to win elections or lobby too much, as they themselves are the club of friends that governs and decides on this country’s energy.
José Rigane*, Deputy Secretary of the CTA Autónoma, Secretary General of FeTERA and of the Luz y Fuerza of Mar del Plata trade union.